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A Sacrifice of Love                      

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Did you ever look upon a star,
And wonder why and who you are?

Did you ever think that same star,
Could it be the one that led shepherds from afar?

In the stillness of the night,
The star that shone so bright
Called out to them, follow me and hear the sounds.
The cry of a babe is soon to be found.

Fear of the night, dispelled by great joy
As their eyes beheld God's only little boy;

Laid in a manger by God's own hands.
The Son of God as part of the plan,
Wrapped by the Spirit in swaddling clothes
Salvation for all, this little one chose.

Stories of Christmas, shared down through the ages,
Spoken and written on so many pages
Repeated to all in every language and nation.
Share the good news, God's plan of salvation.

Let the Christmas story that began in a stall
Echo God's promise
His Son died for ALL.
12-12-2024 By an Anonymous SMBC Member



"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 KJV

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South Middleburg Baptist Church 2023 Anno Domini

4565 Alligator Blvd. Middleburg, Florida 32068