The South Middleburg Baptist Church Distribution List purpose is to inform our congregation of scheduled service and program changes.
For our safety there may be rare occasions of dangerous weather or power outages that require service and program activities canceled or rescheduled. Your email address
will not be shared and the Distribution List is sent as Blind Copy so only your email address and the webmaster's address can be viewed. Even if you "Reply All", only the
webmaster will receive your reply. Our pastor will decide and authorize when emails are sent. You may subscribe or unsubscribe at any time.
To join, use this email address: In the subject line type: DL In the body of the message type your first and last name. See the example below:
Report Errors or Problems to webmaster South Middleburg Baptist Church 2023 Anno Domini 4565 Alligator Blvd. Middleburg, Florida 32068 |