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About Our Choir

  • Weekend Schedule - The choir sings primarily for the Sunday 10:45AM service.
  • Special Celebrations - The choir sings ensambles with special music.
  • The music that is sung by the choir - The choir’s repertoire is extensive and varied.
  • I don’t read music. Can I join? - Absolutely yes, you can join. Many of the choir members do not read music. You will quickly learn skills how to recognize notes on a staff and other notation using simple techniques. In addition, you will also be singing alongside seasoned musicians who can read music and will help you along.
  • I want to join and sing but it is a bit intimidating. - Don’t be intimidated. In addition to being a group of dedicated volunteers. the choir is a fun group. Although the vocal work is serious and thorough, participating in the choir is rewarding. The camaraderie and the caring for each other is obvious to anyone who attends our rehearsals. The ambiance is terrific and despite the hard work, all is done in good spirit.
  • I want to join. - Just talk to Joe, the Director of Music.
  • Choir Practice - The choir practices Wednesday evenings from 7:00PM to 8:00PM following the Wednesday evening services.
  • Line
    "For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding" Psalm 47:7 KJV

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    South Middleburg Baptist Church 2023 Anno Domini
    4565 Alligator Blvd. Middleburg, Florida 32068